Title 24: California’s Solar Mandate Impact on Businesses

About Author

Alex has spent his entire career, in solar energy. In his current role at SunGreen, Alex oversees the design and optimization of systems to ensure they fit customer needs and maximize return on investment. Alex loves the technical aspects of solar energy production and is also well-versed in Federal, state, and utility-level policies regarding renewable energy. Alex is also a regular panel member in various industry webinars.

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Five key takeaways from this blog

California’s Solar Mandate (Title 24): This initiative requires new construction projects in California to incorporate solar panel systems and, in many cases, battery storage. It ensures buildings meet energy efficiency standards, reduces dependency on fossil fuels, and promotes clean energy.

Impact on Commercial Businesses: The mandate affects building designs, financial planning, and operational efficiency. While initial costs may seem high, the long-term benefits include energy savings, reduced carbon footprint, and potential tax incentives.

Compliance Essentials: Early engagement with Title 24 consultants and energy efficiency upgrades like cool roofs and optimized HVAC systems can streamline the compliance process, minimize costs, and maximize energy savings.

Exemptions and Flexibility: The mandate accommodates buildings with physical constraints, such as limited roof space or consistent shading, allowing for alternative solutions like carports or efficiency adjustments.

The Role of SunGreen Systems: SunGreen Systems provides end-to-end support to ensure compliance with Title 24. Their expertise covers system design, installation, and leveraging economies of scale to achieve cost-effective solutions while positioning businesses as sustainability leaders.